Arron Stanton Training

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Indeed!

Truly, creating a new career and a new life takes shape by hiking the trail, day after day, minute after unremarkable minute.

Through the jungle, leaping across ravines, dodging feral obstacles, navigating equally feral urban adversities, charging human and non-human barricades, the landscape changes as we go from frame to frame, day after day. That's adventure!

Envisioning the shift from working in a largely scientific field to doing creative, imaginative and artistic work was nothing compared to the reality of actually doing the shift. The sun this morning is brilliant in a brilliant autumn sky and my mood is up but there are days when defeatism reigns and I just do what I can. I recall that I am venturing into new territory, a field for which I have not been academically prepared. The notion didn't hit me when I started. It felt then that shifting would be as easy as tumbling down the hill with Jack.
I started with just the hobbyist experience of snapping pictures and the delight I took viewing digital images and graphic designs. Professional photography is much more than that. In this day and age, photography is no longer just taking the photos and mixing chemicals in the darkroom. Photography is taking pictures, processing them digitally and displaying them for people's enjoyment as well as commercial opportunities. One does it all.

I was fortunate to find a model that inspired me when I shot Kaleb. The adventure took me into the exciting field of modeling. I loved it. It was months before I realized I needed to learn more about processing the images and correcting color balance. 

Studio photography is another whole world to explore. There are nuances of lighting, setting the stage, using props, and, an area I have barely touched, creating the emotional pull from combining these elements.

Correcting a picture's color is just the first step, too. Becoming comfortable with the technology, I can liberate my organ of sight and create my own unique vision. Verisimilitude forms the basic first stage but vision is how we see things our own way. It is what we contribute to the diversity of human experience, of culture, and the joy we can take on the trail of discovery, accomplishment and desire.

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