Arron Stanton Training

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Second Look at Old Photo Shoots Brings Pleasant Surprises

I am excited to revisit my old photo shoots and look at the images again, processing them as I see images today. Instead of using previously processed images I am starting from scratch, and the images are surprising me. This shoot with Lenny lasted just four hours but he was such a natural that he executed pose after poses easily. Compare this with the shoots I did with Brandon. Over nine hours and I got so few usable images. Brandon has done more modeling than Lenny but he generally models for commercials and ads. There shoots are often more straight-forward and probably heavily directed. Model photography for me is a more creative process. My most successful shoots were done with little planning. The results came from the intense collaboration between the model and me.
The new website is live and the model portfolios are growing steadily. Pretty soon I want to weed them down although I am rethinking the concept of "portfolio." I may redesign the site and have a separate page for my best images on a separate page that I'll call 'Portfolio."
I want to post more videos on the video page then decide what I want to do with the blog page. What I really want is a page containing the equivalent of my writing "portfolio" - the more disciplined work I want to get into.
Once I am done with these, I'll continue to revise the web site but will shift my focus to doing new shoots. Before I do new shoots (unless a new shoot hits me on the head), I want to work on my shoot technique and learn additional skills in Photoshop.

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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