Arron Stanton Training

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Colin's Corner: A Sumerian-tablet invitation for multimedia-enhanced "books"

Colin's Corner: Apple's slate a "Sumerian" publishing eco-system for mobile mass media

If Apple manages to pull this off, it will be both potentially devastating and liberating for legacy publishing industries. Bright creative entrepreneurs will change the moribund textbook industry, children's books with be brought to life via multimedia, the travel guide industry and special interest publishing will be revolutionized, comic books anime and manga will reach massive new audiences. Where it makes sense text can be enhanced by audio and video, readers can be connected to discuss and share content, and new business models can be developed that take account of how readers want to access and consume content. The whole of the publishing industry could be revitalized. The journey is the reward.

Apple media release photo of iPad showing NY Times App

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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