Arron Stanton Training

Saturday, January 16, 2010

George Lucas's Acorn-size History of American Movies

Asked by David Binaculli (substituting for Terry Gross who was "still slightly under the weather) for movies he saw in rough cuts from showings by his filmmaker friends, Lucas named three: 

Godfather - "a real experience, because the movie originally was very, very long..."
Taxi Driver - "pretty intense and it was sort of pushing the boundaries of violence and story and all kinds of things - so that was really exciting..."
Jaws - "because it was so hard to make and there were so many things that went wrong..."

"... a movie is ultimately is a very fragile thing..." So many things can go wrong. When you watch it in rough cut before it is finished it might appear a disaster. Post-production makes or breaks a movie. It is how the various elements created by the director are put together, how they are set against each other, until the director is satisfied with the result. Not until then is it a movie.

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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