Arron Stanton Training

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The First Crocus Arrives

The temperature dropped from yesterday's 70°F to 34° this morning when I drove to McDonald's to write. My toes were cold in my sandals. That didn't stop me from lingering in the garden to ogle the first crocus of the season. Has winter gone so quickly? Sometimes I am overwhelmed at how quickly time flies, sometimes waste time like it's nobody's business. At Half Price Books after my large cup of premium roast, I came across this quote from Voltaire: "History is a pack of tricks we play on the dead." My sentiments exactly. We can never recapture the past. Even the recent past is lost in the mists of our exquisitely selective memories and memories play a dominant role in how we perceive something as being beautiful. Anymore I think beautiful is just energy that excites us as though we are experiencing something as new again. I think religions like that of the "followers of Jesus" work their power on human minds and hearts because of this renewing effect it has on our perceptions. And what is the connection of all this to photography?

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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