Arron Stanton Training

Sunday, April 19, 2009

NAB all about consumer-controlled media and social networking

The first half day of the Post Production World Conference was mostly about software bootcamps. I spent three hours with Douglas Spotted Eagle in a video lighting intensive and another three hours with Richard Herrington on producing video podcasts. Herrington believes that podcasts will continue to grow and may explode if iTunes and other aggregate sites decide to offer them for a small fee. He thinks newer TVs will have the built-in capacity to view podcasts. Podcasts do carry an unfounded taint as Mac-only products with its name similarity to the ubiquitous iPods which may be why not more people are creating them. They also require your own hosting site which adds to the cost of launching them. HD podcasts in H.264 are available and comprise the most downloads and subscriptions. The new Flash player has adopted H.264 which could mean that Adobe might adopt the format so that Flash can play on iPod's as well. Herrington claims 100% of teenagers under 21 either own an iPod or intend to buy one making that age segment a large potential market.

Posted via email from Duende Arts

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